Hi, my name is Mufti Makaarim Al-Akhlaq, I was Secretary General of Federation of Kontras, (the Commission for "the Disappear" and Victims of Violence), based in Jakarta, Indonesia for period of 2004-2007. Kontras has done advocacy work for victims of violence, specifically on human rights abuses since 1998. In addition to his work with Kontras, I also a member of Center for Religious Discourse (CerdiC), one Focus Group on dissemination of moderate religious discourse in Indonesia.
I was a coordinator for the Youth Forum on Inter-Religious Dialog since 2002-2005, focusing on promoting pluralism and fighting against religious intolerance. In 1999, I have also been a member of the Working Committee of Lakpesdam Nahdatul Ulama (Indonesia’s largest Islamic organization) Greater Jakarta, and has been a volunteer for the education and research division of the Indonesian Commission for Reconciliation and Peace.
I have written several books and articles on topics such as the Indonesian military and police, human rights violations in Indonesia, Islam and modernity, the relationship between religion and state, and political rights in Islam.
Now, I became Executive Director of IDSPS (the Institute for Defense, Security and Peace Studies) in Jakarta.